vineri, 13 noiembrie 2009

What they want from smoking men and women?

During large-scale survey of Cologne smokers found out that for men tobacco - primarily a source of recharge, and for women - a means of stress, irritation and extra pounds. "Men more likely to smoke, to have fun, while the women - in order to relieve stress and calm the nerves" - the researchers say. A separate justification of female smoking became prevalent among women felt that using nicotine weight loss.

marți, 10 noiembrie 2009

Vogue has gained a new look on By Sylvere

Well-known brand of tobacco Vogue introduced a fresh design of its main series. Founder of the new design can be considered a famous photographer from France Bee Silver (By Sylvere).
New memorable and vivid image created in the French capital. Principal in creating the image become light and shadow, their combination and contrast emphasizing thin edges. This work By Sylvere reiterated the stylishness and elitism superfine Vogue.
Elegant cigarette packs made in the bright spotlight, she has become a real star, which revolves around the world of tobacco.
The aroma and taste of the new Vogue tobacco remained unchanged. Staying unchanged three types of cigarettes: Vogue Bleue with a bright and harmonious taste, Vogue Lilas for lovers of fine taste and Vogue Menthe of menthol freshness.

miercuri, 28 octombrie 2009

Is someone smoking here?

My mother was a visit to Denver for family trips two years ago, and some of us were having dinner at a big table in the bar of a restaurant owned Lodo mayor. We barely ordered drinks when nearby patron lit a cigarette.
Mom, who started smoking dried corn silk wrapped in tissue paper, as a child, and was a serious addict nicotine also in its 40S, was the first to complain.

"Is someone smoking here?" She asked in a tone of accusation, which certainly sent a shame after all, who ever had a mother, especially those of us who were caught secretly cigarettes on the playground at St. John Vianney School 30-something years ago. (I swear I did not do it, Mom. It was not me. It was Nancy O'Neil. Honest.) Smoke continued to blow a shame in our direction, and my brother and sister-in-Law, as reformed smokers, reproachful look at the guy in the bar with "Marlboro".

My daughter, a good girl who never caught a sly cigarette, waving smoke from the person rolling, and act like she had just witnessed a crime.

Bar patrons, meanwhile, ordered another beer and ignored us completely.

That's when I realized how far behind the curve, we here in Colorado. Other members of my family, who live in places where the smoking ban was in force during the year. Thirteen states and dozens of cities have long banned smoking in restaurants, bars and workplaces. The scene in the Wynkoop Brewing Company and much explains why Colorado, which stubbornly rejected the land prohibits smoking for many years, suddenly caught a wave. (I have already said, we were in a smoky bar the mayor?)

When John Hickenlooper ran for president in 2003, he made it clear that only the smoking ban he favored a regional or land rights. He said he did not want to see a local Ordinance to put Denver business owners at a disadvantage with their suburban competitors. Cynics accuse him of greedy self-interest and said the Land of the ban would never happen. His opponent, Don Mares, said that this is an urgent public health problem in Denver, which requires immediate action.

In his first year in office, Hickenlooper even had to restrain the rebels in the Denver City Council. Some members tried to pass a citywide smoking ban, saying her face, the state will never act.

Hickenlooper to persuade them to be patient.

Thus, although the names of Sen. Dan Grossman and Rep. Mike May, as clear as the authors of the bill, while Grossman and probably deserves huge credit for the fight with a hail of opposition from smokers' rights organizations and the tobacco lobby, and then Governor Bill Owens signature "was the final blow that put the measure into law, the momentum started with the election of the owner of the bar in the City Hall.

On Monday, his victory was sweet.

After three years because of the scenes negotiations with members of the Restaurant Association of Colorado, legislators and special interest groups, Hickenlooper finally celebrate.

"Not only land approach the maximum health benefits for employees and patrons, but it also provides a level economic playing field for all enterprises, many of whom are at a disadvantage when the competitiveness of the smoking bans are enacted at the city based on City, he said.

New state law prohibits smoking in all public places except casinos, smoke shops, cigar bars and Smoking Lounge at Denver International Airport, effective July 1.

So, then it will be safe to take my mother on the public in Colorado again. Although, if I were you, I would avoid wearing that baseball cap on food, I always break my bread, butter, before I did, and if you insist on putting your elbows on the table, you could end up grounded for a week.

marți, 17 martie 2009

India and Cigarettes

While the government is trying various methods, including a hefty tax levy, to make smokers kick the habit, tobacco-lovers are turning to cheaper options to “puff away their blues”.

Trends indicate smokers hit by the rising prices have shifted to so-called down-market options such as bidis and gutkhas.

“The increased tax on cigarettes is forcing consumers to shift to cheaper and alternative tobacco products. As a result, the overall consumption is on the up, as prices of other tobacco products are very less,” director of Tobacco Institute of India Udayan Lal says.

According to a health ministry report, India is home to 100 million bidi smokers and around 8 lakh people in the country die due to tobacco consumption annually with 6 lakh deaths caused by bidis alone.

“It’s not that the government is unaware of the growing bidi industry. The highly labour-intensive nature of the industry, which provides large-scale employment, gives it a powerful voice and that could be one of the reasons the taxes are so low,” says Lal.

“Also, the system of manufacturing and distributing bidis is highly decentralised. There are thousands of bidi factories and no reliable data on their production or consumption is available,” Lal adds.

Health ministry stats reveal about 15% of tobacco consumption in India is in the form of cigarettes, while bidis make for 53%.

“Unlike the rest of the world, where, on an average, cigarettes account for as much as 90% of the total tobacco consumed, in India cigarettes represent only 15% of total tobacco consumption. The remaining 85% of tobacco consumption is in the form of traditional products such as bidis, khaini, gutkha, etc,” Lal says.

Cigarettes contribute 85% to the total excise revenue collected from the tobacco industry, amounting to Rs8, 500 crore, according to Tobacco Institute of India.

Pointing out that bidi consumption was very high in north India, particularly in Rajasthan, Haryana, Punjab and Uttar Pradesh, with the ratio of bidis to cigarettes sometimes being as high as 24:1, Lal says, “Bidis are more harmful than cigarettes because they are filled with small amounts of low-grade tobacco.”

vineri, 28 noiembrie 2008

L'histoire de la pipe et du tabac

De nos jours, le tabac est cultivé dans tous les continents et il est consommé dans tous les pays. Fumer est devenu une habitude quotidienne, on ne peut s’imaginer qu’il y a cinq siècles à peine, avant la découverte de l’Amérique par Christophe Colomb en 1492, fumer ou chiquer du tabac était complètement inconnu dans nos régions.

Avant la découverte des Amériques, les prêtres grecs, romains et gaulois fumaient dans les grandes occasions, des traces archéologiques en témoignent. Le feu des herbes aromatiques ou stupéfiantes permettait le contact entre l’homme et le sacré. Les druides fumaient du cannabis lors de l’immolation d’êtres humains. Les Egyptiens couraient le monde à la recherche d’encens et de parfums. Les Arabes en faisaient un commerce animé. Faute de stimulants exotiques précieux, certains peu¬ples utilisaient des matériaux ordinaires comme des graines de chanvre afin d’allumer une fumée épaisse qu’ils aspiraient avidement jusqu’à l’étourdissement.

Deux hommes de l’expédition de Christophe Colomb (1492) remarquèrent que des indigènes sur l’île de Guanaha (Bahamas) tenaient une sorte de rouleau brûlant de feuilles dans la bouche et en aspiraient la fumée. Ils appelaient ce rouleau ‘tabacos’. Les explorateurs n’y prêtèrent pas attention, considérant que c’était une coutume païenne en vogue chez ces peuples.

Sur l’ordre du pape, quelques moines accompagnèrent Christophe Colomb lors de son second voyage pour répandre l’Evangile auprès des peuples païens. L’un d’entre eux, Ramon Pane, s’intéressant aux coutumes locales, observa la consommation des feuilles de tabac séchées chez les indigènes. Ce moine nota que les chefs de tribus et les guérisseurs fumaient des pipes en forme de fourche à deux dents, qu’ils tenaient dans les narines. Ils aspiraient la fumée et s’enivraient. Le commun des mortels se contentait de tabac en poudre ou chiquait et fumait des feuilles de tabac. La sève des feuilles s’employait aussi pour guérir nombre de maladies.

L’exploration du Nouveau Monde confirma la thèse que la consommation de tabac était une coutume séculaire. Certains peuples séchaient et liaient les feuilles avant de les introduire dans la bouche. La fumée était aspirée avidement et soufflée par le nez. Les Aztèques (au Mexique) auraient cultivé et fumé le tabac bien avant notre ère. Chez ces peuples primitifs, fumer était une activité rituelle très importante. La plante de tabac était sacrée parce que la consommation permettrait de plaire aux dieux. Les indigènes considérèrent Christophe Colomb comme un dieu et lui offrirent des feuilles de tabac.

Au début, l’habitude de fumer se limitait aux villes portuaires et aux classes sociales inférieures. La consommation de tabac, jugée méprisable, n’était pas populaire dans les milieux aisés, sauf si le tabac était administré comme médicament.

Au 16e siècle, des marins anglais apportèrent la coutume de fumer des pipes en terre des Amériques à leur patrie. Vers 1565, fumer la pipe était en vogue.

Cette coutume se développa très vite en Angleterre. Elle fut pratiquée dans toutes les couches sociales. Les vagabonds, les agriculteurs, les ouvriers, les pêcheurs, le clergé, la noblesse, voire les ladies anglaises fumaient la pipe.

A l’origine on utilisait des pipes importées d’Amérique. Comme la consommation de tabac prenait de l’ampleur, on ne put plus satisfaire à la demande croissante de pipes. Les potiers anglais sautèrent sur l’occasion et consolidèrent leur commerce en fabriquant des pipes en terre à teinte blanche.

Ce nouveau secteur industriel prit un grand essor à cause de la consommation croissante de tabac d’une part et de la fragilité du produit d’autre part. La demande excédait longtemps l’offre. A la fin du 16e siècle, la fabrication de pipes était devenue un emploi important et rémunérateur.

La pipe en porcelaine est typique de l’Allemagne et de l’Autriche, elle est originaire des usines de porcelaine à Meissen et à Dresde. Ces pipes étaient plus résistantes que les pipes en terre mais moins agréables à fumer parce qu’elles n’étaient pas poreuses et que le foyer chauffait trop, ce qui nuisait à la saveur du tabac.

La matière première (silicate de magnésie hydraté) se trouve en Turquie, en Asie mineure et en Grèce. Ce minéral se trouve par blocs à une profondeur de 20 à 80 cm. L’écume de mer est exploitée à usages multiples depuis des siècles. Cette matière se prête à merveille à la fabrication de pipes à fumer précieuses. L’écume de mer est très légère et poreuse et se traite facilement. On trouve beaucoup de pipes artistiques dans les musées folkloriques.